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En route for Keystone Symposium

John and Jeremies en route for the Keystone Symposium on Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflammation, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2024

Glyco26 in Taiwan

John's poster is selected for oral presentation!

John at Glyco26

John's is awarded a prize for best poster presentation at the Glyco26 Conference in Taiwan!

Noam's graduation

Noam's graduation

Halloween 2023

Halloween 2023

2023 N.E.R.D. Run

2023 N.E.R.D. Run


Birthday party!

Birthday celebration

Birthday celebration

Lab group photo - May 2023

Lab group photo - May 2023

Going to the 2022 GlycoNET Symposium in Banff

Going to the 2022 GlycoNET Symposium in Banff

2022 Society for Neuroscience Meeting

2022 Society for Neuroscience Meeting

The Ganglioside Gang

Ganglio gang at rest


Who is smaller?

Balancing act

Celebration for Vaibhavi's graduation...with social distancing at the time of Covid19! Congraulations Vaibhavi!

Celebration for Luis Carlos' graduation. Congratulations Luis!

Luis Carlos' baby

Photo shoot for local news

Aislinn and John: License to pipette

Aislinn and John: License to pipette

Aislinn and John's graduation. Congratulations!

The N.E.R.D. Run

Lab lunch

Do not mess with us!

Summer nights

Melanie at the Gordon Research Conference

Group photo

MCBL Christmas Party

Gordon Research Conference - Il Ciocco, Italy

TEC Edmonton Innovation Prize Cerimony

Lab lunch

ICBL Conference - Banff Centre

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